
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Eric Holder: ‘Yeah. I’m thinking about’ running for President

Eric Holder: ‘Yeah. I’m thinking about’ running for President We’ve discussed the rumors before. Eric Holder, the former attorney general and ethically challenged Fast & Furious centerpiece, wants to be President. At one point, there was some buzz about his placement on the Supreme Court bench, but the Democrats thought it was a good idea to run Hillary in 2016. We all know how that ended up. Since Holder is probably not headed for the SCOTUS, he’s got his eye on the White House.
- Wednesday, April 18, 2018

James Comey whines that the GOP ‘left him and many others’ …when it supported a candidate who could win

James Comey whines that the GOP ‘left him and many others’ …when it supported a candidate who could win I look forward to the day when someone asks me, “what was the name of that guy who ran the FBI and spent all his time whining?” I’ll think for a moment and reply, “Oh yeah. That guy. Good question. Joe Haney, maybe? No…that was the guy from Green Acres.” Then I’ll look at my phone and say “Oh yeah! James Comey! I wonder whatever happened to him?”
- Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Eating their own: Ed Schultz says he was fired because MSNBC was in the tank for Hillary

Eating their own: Ed Schultz says he was fired because MSNBC was in the tank for Hillary Remember Ed Schultz? No? Really? Wow. How time flies. Ed Schultz was an MSNBC host (and hardcore leftist) who was famous for his outlandish rants. At one point, he was one of the network’s rising stars. Then, he started to get so over the top – so utterly ludicrous – that they demoted him to a weekend slot between reruns of that show about being in prison.
- Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Washington Post: Uh, guys, that ‘blue wave’ seems to be disappearing…

Washington Post: Uh, guys, that ‘blue wave’ seems to be disappearing… Democrats are counting on a massive “blue wave” in November. After the devastating, disastrous, defeat of Hillary Clinton, they desperately need something – anything – to prove to themselves that their ideology still has a future. So, they’ve built their entire existence around the midterms.
- Monday, April 16, 2018

Your favorite Senators, Lindsey Graham and Cory Booker, are teaming up to protect Robert Mueller

Your favorite Senators, Lindsey Graham and Cory Booker, are teaming up to protect Robert Mueller By now, you know the score. If there’s something you can be wrong about, Lindsey Graham will – almost without fail – be wrong about it. He’s been wrong on foreign policy, wrong on the border, wrong on DACA, wrong about Trump, wrong about a variety of constitutional issues, and wrong about his almost worshipful admiration for John McCain. He is, with good reason, one of the poster children for the term RINO.
- Wednesday, April 11, 2018

With a straight face, Al Gore says American democracy will probably survive Donald Trump

Calling Gore a fool is too generous I get it. You’re sitting there, nervously twiddling your thumbs, and you’re worrying. I want you to know that I understand your concerns. I know you’re scared, and I know what you’re thinking: “Will our American democracy survive the presidency of Donald Trump? Will it? Oh, woe is me, if only Al Gore would reassure us!”
- Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Not a joke: Britain implementing common sense knife control, limiting acid sales

Not a joke: Britain implementing common sense knife control, limiting acid sales “Common sense knife control.” Usually, if you hear that phrase, it’s a facetious remark designed to take the air out of the gun control debate. We all know that gun control laws will be ignored by criminals and, even if it gets harder for them to get a gun, there will still be millions of other weapons out there. Take away the guns and eventually you’ll need to take away the knives, cars, baseball bats, etc.
- Monday, April 9, 2018

‘Women’s March’ outraged that feds shut down website that facilitated trafficking of women, children

‘Women’s March’ outraged that feds shut down website that facilitated trafficking of women, children On Friday, the feds seized a despicable website known as Backpage.com and charged its founder with 93 counts related to human trafficking. If you’ve never heard of the site, congratulations. That’s probably a sign that you’re a good person. Backpage was a bowels-of-the-internet message board where pimps and sex workers could post advertisements designed to sell themselves, their prostitutes, and – in some cases – children.
- Monday, April 9, 2018

Watch Nancy Pelosi and Ted Lieu vow to raise your taxes if Dems retake congress

Watch Nancy Pelosi and Ted Lieu vow to raise your taxes if Dems retake congress As far as I’m concerned, virtually ALL tax cuts are good tax cuts. I am, with almost 100% certainty, sure that I can spend my money better than Washington. So, if I get to keep it, that’s good. Considering how much they waste on a daily, monthly, and annual basis, D.C. can do with less and I’ll be happy with a few extra bucks in my savings account.
- Friday, April 6, 2018

Great video of gun owner goes viral after he tears into his city council and gun control advocates

Mark Robinson tore into the Greensboro City Council I don’t have much to add to the following video except to say: “I bet the average law-abiding gun owner has said this a thousand times around their dinner table.” Also, I’d argue that (while this is a great video directly related to firearm ownership) gun control isn’t the only issue to which it applies. The simple fact is that normal, responsible, honest people in the country are absolutely fed up with being ignored while simultaneously being taxed into oblivion. You could choose any one of a hundred issues and the central argument would still be valid. Good people are being repeatedly penalized by a government that refuses to deal with real issues – because doing so is either difficult, politically incorrect, or both.
- Thursday, April 5, 2018

Everything’s racist! California think tank says single-family homes represent ‘race and class-coded language’

Everything’s racist! California think tank says single-family homes represent ‘race and class-coded language’ You worked hard, you saved your money, you built up your credit, and you bought a home for your family. It’s not an apartment or a duplex, either. It’s a white-picket-fence American dream affair, complete with a garage, some trees, and a yard where spot can run around with the kids. It’s nice, you maintain it well, and you’re proud of your accomplishment.
- Thursday, April 5, 2018
