
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Fox News issues strong statement backing Laura Ingraham – she’ll return next week

Fox News issues strong statement backing Laura Ingraham – she’ll return next week In the past, when embattled Fox News hosts have taken a “short vacation,” it hasn’t gone well for them. For better or worse, Bill O’Reilly and Eric Bolling both took outrage-inspired “breaks” that ended up becoming permanent after a few days. It appears Laura Ingraham will not suffer the same fate, as Fox News has issued a strong statement in her defense.
- Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Watch DNC Deputy Chair try desperately NOT to say that Dems want to repeal your tax cut

Watch DNC Deputy Chair try desperately NOT to say that Dems want to repeal your tax cut For Democrats, there’s no tax increase too massive, no tax-and-spend black hole they won’t throw your money into, and no social program too fiscally irresponsible for them to support. They’ve never met a tax hike they couldn’t justify and, if they run into any trouble, they just trot out the old “the rich don’t play their fair share” line.
- Monday, April 2, 2018

Trump agrees with audience member – Repealing the 2nd Amendment is tyranny

Trump agrees with audience member – Repealing the 2nd Amendment is tyranny Democrats want the 2nd Amendment gone. The elimination of your right to bear arms has been at or near the top of their agenda for years. For a long time, they danced around it. They’d pretend they were big 2A supporters, pay lip service to “tradition,” and film a few campaign ads where they went duck hunting in a khaki vest and a plaid hat. It was all a lie. The truth has always been that they can’t wait for the day when you no longer have the right to defend yourself.
- Saturday, March 31, 2018

New Strzok / Page texts indicate coordination between Obama WH, FBI, CIA, and Harry Reid at the launch of Russia probe

New Strzok / Page texts indicate coordination between Obama WH, FBI, CIA, and Harry Reid at the launch of Russia probe It's getting hard to keep track of all the lies Democrats have told about the investigation into supposed "Russian collusion" with the Trump campaign. From the origins of "the dossier," to the FISA application, to the whole wiretapping scandal the falsehoods, half-truths, and untenable innuendo has been piling up for over a year. To keep track of them all, you'd need one of those crazy conspiracy theorist walls with red string connecting all the players.
- Thursday, March 29, 2018


Trump responds to Stevens: THE SECOND AMENDMENT WILL NEVER BE REPEALED! Yesterday, Dan did a nice job of eviscerating retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens' asinine mainstreaming of the idea that the United States should repeal the 2nd Amendment. If you haven't read that, you can do so here. Most of Stevens' argument centers around the District of Columbia v. Heller decision which reaffirmed the unarguable fact that firearm ownership is - and always was - an individual right.
- Wednesday, March 28, 2018

CNN agape as their poll shows Trump approval jumping to 11 month high, GOP midterm hopes slowly brighten

CNN agape as their poll shows Trump approval jumping to 11 month high I would love to have been in the CNN newsroom when these numbers came in. They've burned months of airtime on scandal after scandal, negative story and negative story, all in an endless quest to make the country despise Donald Trump. You're supposed to hate him. He's supposed to disgust you. His approval numbers are supposed to be down in the low 20s. Heck, he was supposed to be impeached by now.
- Tuesday, March 27, 2018

House Democrats place bureaucracy above healing: derail experimental medicine 'Right to Try' bill

House Democrats place bureaucracy above healing: derail experimental medicine 'Right to Try' bill President Trump has been pushing for "Right to Try" legislation almost since his campaign began. The idea is that terminally ill patients, who've decided they have nothing to lose, should have the right to try experimental procedures and medication that may not be ready for mass implementation. Everyone understands that there are very real risks involved with this course of action but, if you've exhausted all other options, you may be ready for one last desperation play.
- Monday, March 26, 2018

Obama: My goal is to create a 'million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas '

Obama: My goal is to create a 'million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas ' If you were hoping that Barack Obama would be quiet as he watches subsequent Presidents dismantle his legacy, well, you were really kidding yourself. This is a guy who many of the "fringier" political elements have touted as the obvious choice to run the world via the UN - so he wasn't just going to wander off into the sunset. Obama intends to stick around. He's already been making his voice heard, and he’s focused on grooming an entire generation of ideological clones to help carry on that work when he finally does retire.
- Monday, March 26, 2018

Folksy home-spun everyman creeper, Joe Biden, says he would have 'beat the hell' out of Donald Trump in high school

Folksy home-spun everyman creeper, Joe Biden, says he would have 'beat the hell' out of Donald Trump When Hillary Clinton wants you to think "she's just like you," she busts out her southern revival accent or eats at Chipotle. When Obama wanted you to think he was just a "regular fella" he'd get a burger and beer that his wife supposedly disapproved of. Virtually every out-of-touch politician has some contrived way of trying to make it seem that they're just one of the down-to-Earth "real people" they hope to rule with an iron fist.
- Friday, March 23, 2018

Rand Paul: 'There is an uncontrollable deep state in the intel community' . . . rips John Brennan and 'far afield' Mueller probe

Rand Paul: 'There is an uncontrollable deep state in the intel community' . . . rips John Brennan and 'far afield' Mueller probe Whatever you think of Rand Paul, the one thing no one can accuse him of being is 'partisan hack.' He's bucked his own party as much as anyone other than John McCain, and - unlike McCain - he's done it for the right reasons. So, when he absolutely rips into John Brennan's vitriolic comments and tears into the Mueller "Russian collusion" investigation, saying he's just toeing the party line isn't going to cut it.
- Friday, March 23, 2018

As taxpayers flee California, GOP Rep. Martha McSally jokes: Hey, maybe we need a wall between AZ and CA

As taxpayers flee California, GOP Martha McSally jokes: Hey, maybe we need a wall between AZ and CA Arizona spends a lot of time worrying about trouble crossing its southern border. However, as GOP Rep. Martha McSally jokingly pointed out, they may need to start worrying about issues to their west as well. That's because the left coast's immigration policies (and a host of other problems) are starting to affect neighboring states, and the people running those states are none too pleased.
- Thursday, March 22, 2018

Republican hoping to de-throne Claire McCaskill runs ad featuring Hillary's American heartland hot take

Republican hoping to de-throne Claire McCaskill runs ad featuring Hillary's American heartland hot take To recap: rural America is racist, misogynist, bigoted, backwards, and not smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton. That's the word from the Democrats' 2016 presidential nominee. According to Hillary, only the places that voted for her are decent, forward thinking, and optimistic about the future. The rest of the country, the red part, is a hellhole filled with troglodytes.
- Wednesday, March 21, 2018
